nagara panchami date

Naga Panchami is a day of conventional love of Nagas or snakes saw by Hindus all through India, Nepal, and different nations where Hindu disciples live. The love is offered on the fifth day of brilliant portion of lunar month of Shravana (July/August), as indicated by the Hindu schedule. Some Indian states, for example, Rajasthan and Gujarat, observe Naga Panchami on the dim half (Krishna Paksha) of the equivalent month.[6] As a component of the merriments, a Naga or snake divinity made of silver, stone, wood, or a work of art of snakes is given a respectful shower with milk and their gifts are looked for the government assistance of the family.[4] Live snakes, particularly cobras, are additionally revered on this day, particularly with contributions of milk and by and large with the help of a snake charmer.[7]   In the Mahabharata epic, the sage Astika's journey to stop the penance of snakes (Sarpa Satra) of Lord Janamejaya, is notable, as it was during this penance that the Mahabharata overall was first described by the sage, Vaisampayana.[8] This yagna penance was performed by Janamejaya to demolish the race of Nagas through executing each snake in presence to retaliate for the passing of his dad Parikshita because of the dangerous chomp of Takshaka, the ruler of the snakes. The day that the penance was halted, because of the mediation of the Astika, was on the Shukla Paksha Panchami day in the long stretch of Shravana. That day has since been seen as Naga Panchami   History  In the Mahabharata epic, Janamejaya, the child of Lord Parikshita of the Kuru line was playing out a snake penance known as Sarpa Satra, to retaliate for the passing of his dad from a snake chomp by the snake ruler called Takshaka.[13] A conciliatory chimney had been extraordinarily raised and the fire penance to murder all snakes on the planet was begun by a universe of learned Brahmin sages. The penance acted within the sight of Janamejaya was ground-breaking to such an extent that it was making all snakes fall into the Yagna kunda (conciliatory fire pit). At the point when the ministers found that lone Takshaka who had nibbled and slaughtered Parisksihita had disappeared to the underworld of Indra looking for his insurance, the sages expanded the beat of discussing the mantras (spells) to drag Takshaka and furthermore Indra to the conciliatory fire. Takshaka had snaked himself around Indra's bunk yet the power of the conciliatory yagna was ground-breaking to such an extent that even Indra alongside Takshaka were hauled towards the fire. This frightened the divine beings who at that point engaged Manasadevi to mediate and resolve the emergency. She at that point mentioned her child Astika to go to the site of the yagna and appeal to Janamejaya to stop the Sarpa Satra yagna. Astika intrigued Janamejaya with his insight into all the Sastras (sacred texts) who conceded him to look for a shelter. It was then that Astika mentioned Janamejeya to stop the Sarpa Satra. Since the lord was never known to deny a shelter given to a Brahmin, he yielded, regardless of secures by the rishis playing out the yagna. The yagna was then halted and hence the existence of Indra and Takshaka and his other snake race were saved. This day, as per the Hindu Schedule, turned out to be Nadivardhini Panchami (fifth day of brilliant fortnight of the lunar month of Shravana during the rainstorm season) and from that point forward the day is a celebration day of the Nagas as their life was saved on this day. Indra additionally went to Manasadevi and revered her.[9]   As indicated by the Garuda Purana, offering supplications to wind on this day is propitious and will usher great news in one's life. This is to be trailed by taking care of Brahmins.[14]   Love   On day of Naga Panchami, Nagas, cobras, and snakes are loved with milk, desserts, blossoms, lights, and even forfeits. Naga or snake gods made of silver, stone, wood, or compositions on the divider are first washed with water and milk and afterward revered with the recounting of the accompanying mantras.   Fasting is seen on this day and Brahmins are taken care of. The devotion saw on this day is viewed as a definite assurance against the dread of snake nibble. At numerous spots, genuine snakes are revered and fairs held. On this day burrowing the earth is no-no as it could kill or damage snakes which dwell in the earth.[11]  In certain areas of the nation milk is offered alongside solidified sugar, rice pudding. An uncommon component is of offering a lotus blossom which is set in a silver bowl. Before this bowl, a rangoli (hued configuration design) of snake is made on the floor with a brush made of wood or mud or silver or gold with sandalwood or turmeric glue as the paint. The plan example will look like a five hooded snake. Fans at that point offer love to this picture on the floor. In towns, the ant colony dwelling where the snakes are thought to live, are looked. Incense is offered to the ant colony dwelling place as petition alongside milk (a fantasy of old stories to take care of milk to the snakes) to trap snakes to emerge from the ant colony dwelling place. After this, milk is filled the opening in the ant colony dwelling place as a drink to the snake god.[14]   On this event entryways and dividers outside the house are painted with pictures of snakes, promising mantras (spells) are additionally composed on them. It is accepted that such portrayals will avert harmful snakes.[14]   Naga Panchami is additionally the event seen as Bhratru Panchami when ladies with siblings love snakes and its openings, and offer supplications to satisfy nagas so their siblings are ensured and don't endure or kick the bucket because of snake bite.  Snake has undertone with the Moon's hubs known in Hindu crystal gazing. The top of the snake is addressed by Rahu ("Mythical serpent's head") and its tail by Ketu ("Monster's tail"). On the off chance that in the zodiacal diagram of an individual all the seven significant planets are fixed among Rahu and Ketu in the converse request (anticlockwise) it is said to signify Kalasarpa dosha (Deformity because of dark snakes), which forecasts sick karma and difficulty in a person's life and along these lines pacified by offering love to the snakes on Naga Panchami day.[4]   North and Northwestern India  In north western India, in urban communities, for example, Benares, it is when Akharas (settings of wrestling training and rivalries) as a feature of Naga Panchami festivities are embellished; on this event the ahkaras are tidied up completely and dividers painted with pictures of snakes, ministers direct, and the masters are regarded alongside the backers. Its importance is that the grapplers represent virility and Naga represents this "plan of virility".[23] Akharas are improved with snake pictures indicating snakes drinking milk. On this day snake charmers are wherever in towns and towns showing snakes in their bushels which will have a wide range of snakes, for example, pythons, rodent snakes, and cobras blended together. A portion of the snake charmers drape limp snakes around their neck and groups accumulate to observe these scenes. The snakes in the crate are additionally loved on the occasion.[25]   In any case, in Punjab this celebration is praised in an alternate month and in an alternate organization, in the period of Bhadra (September–October) and is called Guga Nauvami (10th day of lunar month during splendid portion of Moon). On this event a picture of snake is made with batter and kept in a "winnowing container" and taken round the town. Townspeople offer flour and spread as oblation to the picture. Toward the finish of the motorcade, the snake is officially covered and ladies love the snake for nine days and give offering of curds.[16]   Western India  In this piece of the nation, snake is named Bhujang, which is likewise the Sanskrit name for snake, in the Kutch area. The name is credited to the city of Bhuj which is situated underneath the slope named Bhujiya, after Bhujang, as it was the habitation of snakes. On top of this slope there is a stronghold known as the Bhujia Fortification where a sanctuary has been worked for the snake god and a subsequent sanctuary is at the foot of the slope known as Nani Devi.[26] Bhujia Fortress was the location of a significant fight between Deshalji I, the leader of Kutch and Sher Buland Khan, Mughal Emissary of Gujarat who had attacked Kutch. It was the early time of Deshalji's rule. At the point when the multitude of Kutch was in a condition of losing the fight, a gathering of Naga Bawas opened the door of Bhujia Post by an astute ploy of visiting Bother sanctuary for love and joined the conflict against Sher Buland Khan's military.   Eastern and Northeastern India   In eastern and north eastern Conditions of India, for example, West Bengal, Orissa and Assam, the goddess is revered as Manasa. As per the Hindu folklore, Manasa is a snake goddess who was additionally called Jaratkaru and spouse of Brahmin sage likewise named Jaratkaru. On this event, sh twig of manasa so deal plant (euphorbia lingularum) representing the goddess Manasa is fixed on the ground and loved, not just in the long stretch of Shravan, as in the remainder of the country, yet additionally in the month Bhadra Masa. Celebration is held inside the areas of the house.  South India   In Karnataka, the groundwork for the celebration begins the New Moon day of Bhimana Amavasya, five days before the celebration day of Panchami. Young ladies offer supplications to the pictures made out of white earth painted with white specks. They take a pledge by tying a string plunged in turmeric glue on their correct wrist and offer petitions. A picture of snake is drawn on the floor before the house and milk is offered as oblation. On the night past to the celebration they keep total quick or take a salt free eating routine. After the pooja, a food feast is held.[27]   In South India, both etched and live snakes are venerated. Each town has a snake god. It is adored as a solitary snake or nine snakes called Nava Naga yet the mainstream structure is of two snakes as an "Eaculapian pole". Each admirer in South India loves the ant colony dwelling where the snakes are accounted for to live. Ladies enrich the ant colony dwelling place with turmeric glue and vermillion and sugar blended in with wheat flour. They festoon it with blossoms with the assistance of strings attached to wooden casings. In Maharashtra, they go round the ant colony dwelling place in a love mode multiple times singing tunes in commendation of snake gods.  In Kerala, Ezhavas and Nairs are Snake admirers. A place of worship is typically settled for snake god at the southwest corner of the familial house, alongside sanctuary for the para-devata. .[16] For Naga Panchami day, Ladies quick the earlier day. They then on the Naga Panchami Day, scrub down at day break and supplicate at the tharavad Sarpa kavu. They take the Thirtham milk home. A Chembarathi (Hibiscus) bloom is plunged in the milk and sprinkled on the sibling's back and afterward do an arthi. At that point a string plunged in turmeric is tied on the correct wrist of the sibling. After that a blowout is served.   Recognition in Nepal  In the Changu Narayan Sanctuary in Kathmandu, there is sculpture of Garuda which is said to have been set up by Garuda himself and on the Naga Panchami day the picture is said to perspire thinking back his extraordinary battle with a monster snake; individuals gather the perspiration and use it for relieving sickness.

Alternative Titles: Nagara Panchami, Nagula Panchami, Naga Panchami, Nagula Chavithi

nagara panchami date

Nag Panchami 2021

Friday, August 13, 2021

Panchami  Starts - 03:24 PM on Aug 12, 2021

Panchami  Ends - 01:42 PM on Aug 13, 2021

nagula panchami date

Nag Panchami Muhurta (worship time):

Pooja Shubh Muhurta - 05:49 AM to 08:28 AM

Pooja Duration - 02 Hours 39 Mins

Nag Panchami fast is observed on Shravan Shukla Panchami. 

nagpanchami 2021

Nag Pancham date in Gujarat - Friday, August 27, 2021

nagula panchami 2021 date

What is Nag Panchami

Know what is Nag Panchami. Nag Panchami is a Hindu festival in India. Snakes are worshiped on this day. Shukla Paksha Panchami is celebrated as Nag Panchami in the month of Sawan. Nag Panchami is often two days after Hariyali Teej. Women worship the serpent god on this day and offer milk to snakes. On this day people worship living snakes as representatives of living serpents in Hinduism.

The women pray for the happiness and prosperity of their brothers and family. Nag Panchami is a traditional worship of Naga deities by Hindus throughout India.

nagula panchami 2020

how to do naga puja at home

how to do naga puja at home view here.

Nag Panchami Vrat and Puja Vidhi

Eat one time on Chaturthi and keep Panchami fast on the next day.

  • For worship, place the snake idol or clay idol on the wooden surface.
  • Offer turmeric, vermilion, rice and flowers to the serpent god.
  • After that, offer raw milk, ghee, sugar to the serpent god.
  • After the worship process is over, perform the aarti of the serpent god.
  • You can also donate snake grains and feed the snake.
  • Finally Nag Panchami story should be heard.

nag panchami worship method

nag panchami worship method see here.

Why is Nag Panchami celebrated

Why is Nag Panchami celebrated lets talk. According to a legend, King Parikshit was killed by Takshak Nag. Parikshit's son Janamejaya arranged a Nag Yagna to take revenge from the serpents and kill his entire clan. This yagna was stopped by the believer monk to protect the serpents. The believer saved the monk Takshak Nag and his clan. The day he stopped the yagna was Shravan Shukla Panchami. From the same day people celebrate Nag Panchami to protect Nag and receive his blessings.

information about nag panchami

All information about nag panchami.

Importance of Nag Panchami

Importance of Nag Panchami in our life. It is believed that one who worships snakes on this day gets freedom from fear of snakes. Along with performing puja, bathing the snakes with milk and feeding them, the devotee receives unbroken divine blessings. In addition, they have a ritual of pulling snakes at the door of the house. It is believed that it protects the house from the grace of snakes.

nagula panchami 2020 

nagula panchami 2020 880 ₹0 13 r811.

nag panchami 2021 date 

nag panchami 2021 date 0 ₹0 4 r600.
Wish you all a very HAPPY NAG PANCHAMI!
